
Kris - 2006-02-21 22:54:36
OMG do I know how you feel with the Spanish class!! Mine are both like that and I hate that! I'm in classes with native speakers and grad students, so I've just come to accept the fact that I'll never be as good as they are when it comes to speaking... but I'm probably about like you in class. I'll talk to the people around me, but I usually only see them in class... ooh well, right?! As long as you have friends outside of class that you spend time with, the way I look at it is that it's just not my first priority. AND, sometimes you meet the best people when you're not even looking or paying attention :) You're smart Gwen, so don't worry too much about the participation -- not to mention, most people will be so nervous thinking about what they're going to say that they'll probably feel the same way. Take care, ~luvs~
daner - 2006-02-21 22:59:03
remember that quote from jfk? "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself." its true. fear is the thing that gets in our way, that makes us mess up, that makes us fear...its a cycle. and we dont like cycles. i understand your fear, and i dont blame you for being afraid. but i do want to remind you of something i have said often: you are SO brave. you've beat the odds, you've beaten the demon, you've beaten expectations. so you stutter in class. its not a big deal. hey, clinton once said "libate" instead of "liberate" in a state of the union address, and everyone got over it.
Suzza - 2006-02-22 09:53:49
I had a class like that and I loathed it. But... you are brave, you've done SO much. :). You amaze me, too.
jasmin - 2006-02-22 11:31:41
oh gwen, it's normal to be afraid! i am terrified of speaking up in class, i rarely do. and like you, i pray that i disappear in the crowd and that nobody notices me. we are so similar. and also, i am a health food addict who is addicted to cigarettes! you're not alone, love. xoxoxo!
julieann - 2006-02-22 20:03:31
Hey I am exactly like you at school. And I take 5 consecutive classes so I only have to go 2x a I usually don't talk for 7.5 hours. I am terrified of all those's a problem for me, and i don't have any advice, but i just wanted you to know you're not alone.
Silver80 - 2006-02-23 00:03:42
Thanks for the note. School is hard. I can relate to what you are going through at school right now. I probably need to take my own advice but you need to believe in yourself. It's okay to be afraid but you need to believe that you can do it. I know that is easier said then done. Just remember most people are afraid of public speaking. Good luck in future classes.
Emaciana - 2006-02-23 15:45:30
haha irony yes. i used to smoke the most when i used to also teach fitness classes. i was this picture of fitness and right after the class i'd be puffing away. during the class i'd be craving a smoke... weird eh... i guess things don't always line up. take care!
mylene - 2006-03-03 18:50:34
i never talk in my english class(second language) or i turn bright red and say stupid things. i'm so scared i don't have the accent or say the right things. it's weird because i've always been in the bests in that class. the points i lost were in participation and oral productions. speaking in a different language is hell even if you know what to say. fuck social anxiety.
julie - 2006-03-19 13:53:15
Where's Gwen? Are you okay?

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