
J - 2006-01-29 04:07:32
you well, gwennie. you will. step by step. im right here with you.
Kris - 2006-01-29 17:59:30
Stay strong here Gwen, you CAN make it through these next couple of days no matter how tough they are, and then it will move right back into the past... gone. Little slips like this will make you stronger once you're through them. In a few months you'll be less afraid and less afraid just because you'll know that you CAN get over a slip and be healthy. I know that it seems tough the first time, (and the second time for that matter!) but you CAN and WILL make it out just fine. I got sick from drinking and threw up/ sort of purged one time a couple months back and that was rough for me in a mental sense for a good week. BUT, I made it through and having done so just helps me to remember that this is all do-able. I am so glad that you have Kyle to help you through these times too. Just don't be too scared if he thinks you're slipping because remember that you have more experiance with slipping in these ways than him (at least I'm assuming). He might be more sensative to something that you know you can get over just because things like this might not seem such a big deal to us after years of dealing with them. However, listen to his input too because it might help tip you off if he notices something when you don't. I'm proud of you for keeping up the confidence and I know you'll be able to pull through, just keep working at it and staying strong!! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, ~luvs~
Emily - 2006-01-29 18:22:01
Gwen, you can do it, everybody slips. Just take it one meal at a time, one bite at a time... whatever is necessary to keep it the right amount and staying down. You know what to do. You are strong, really strong, far stronger than you realize, and I believe in you. I don't expect that to mean anything to you, but I had to say it anyways. I believe in you... and so many more of us do, too.
Sofia - 2006-01-29 18:24:27
You can do this...remember how strong you are, even if it doesn't feel like it. You're amazing.
scarchild - 2006-01-30 03:37:47
You are stronger than it. You will win X
suzi - 2006-01-31 04:37:56
Hi there hun, i have just read through the whole lot of your entries in one day and i cant believe how strong a person you are! I have been Anorexic with Bulimic Tendencies for about 6 yrs now,and i have had to fight to keep myself healthy the twice when i have been pregnant...And now i find myself slipping down the path that is always there once again :( Hang in there my darling,you can do it,i will be watching for your entries to see how you are going! Kisses hugs and luvz to you

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