
enurta - 2006-01-13 06:46:12
I know how you feel about your mum. Some people just shouldn't have children....they are too irresponsible. I hope you are okay. I've been reading your diary for quite some time now. Take care of yourself. Btw - your new layout is beautiful. But so are you :) <3
Emily - 2006-01-13 07:30:17
I dread thinking of what to tell children when I'm older and have them in my life- neices, nephews, adopted kids of my own with a partner, whatever. There are no prom pictures to show them. My high school years consisted of starving, swallowing boxes of ex-lax, sleeping in hospital beds as an inpatient and going to treatment programs. The first three years I was supposed to be in college were exactly the same. Will I make up something to tell them? Will I avoid the subject altogether? We'll have to figure something out... the questions are inevitable.
Scotvalkyrie - 2006-01-13 09:10:08
If/when you have children, you tell them the truth. That you had an eating disorder that completely altered your life to the point of it almost being unrecognizable -- and that is the last thing you want for them. You are a strong woman and you do have the means to beat this thing. Be proud of your accomplishments, yes, proud, you have much to be proud about. Big Hugs, Bonnie PS like the new layout!
julieann - 2006-01-13 11:06:42
i also wonder what to tell my future children...but think about this, you can tell them you survived a deadly illness that kills its victims. now that's an accomplishment to be proud of. you can get there, we can get there...we just have to keep living.
julieann - 2006-01-13 11:07:55
i also wonder what to tell my future children...but think about this, you can tell them you survived a deadly illness that kills its victims. now that's an accomplishment to be proud of. you can get there, we can get there...we just have to keep living.
dana - 2006-01-13 14:58:03
you tell them that you worked your way through against all the odds, and that it was hard, but you did it. thats all that really matters.
anon43 - 2006-01-13 20:36:03
Yes, just purge the things you don't want to face up to.
emaciana - 2006-01-13 21:12:43
you don't need to be anything other than you. you have learned things, life things that you cannot learn in school. any experience, good or bad is a chance to learn and you cannot discount that. maybe having an ed will make you a better mother... you never know. but give yourself a chance to see how valuable you are to yourself and your future children.
Nic - 2006-01-14 00:08:30
gwen, my luv! I swear you beautifully articulated what is going on in my head...what has been spinning for weeks. I'm so lost, but I want to be normal. I don't want this ED, because it's this huge debilitating weight on's sucking the life out of me. I see that you want to thrive. Keep fighting! keep writing, and keep talking! I miss you, and think of you often!! Much love! Nic :)

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