
Scotvalkyrie - 2006-01-11 09:10:54
I'm not sure what to tell you about the car, although I'm surprised you were able to qualify for a new one. I hope you're not having to pay an astronomical APR. Keeping up with payments of any sort is an enormous stressor and I'm concerned about your taking this on. I pray that you will be able to continue to maintain your ED with everything that's going on in your life. I think about you everyday. I've recently asked Mary Magdelene to be my patron saint and I'll ask her to intercede for you. She's the patron of women, and she was one strong and independent chica! Us chicas need to stick together! Hang in there Gwennie, and take care. XXXXOOOO Bonnie
Julia - 2006-01-11 10:22:42
I am glad you have in your mind the danger of that "just ten pounds" urge- good for you! I would also be "flagged" when you lose weight due to a cold. That is not usual. How are your sugars? I hope you are getting good support out there. :) ~Julia
Kris - 2006-01-11 12:07:15
Hang in there sweetie, I know what the urge to lose "just ten pounds" can feel like -- but trust me, over time you'll feel that urge less and less. Take care, and I hope everything works out with the car. ~luvs~
dana - 2006-01-11 12:29:55
gwennie, i wanted to let you know HOW VERY MUCH i believe in you and admire you. you have gone through more than i can ever imagine...and you are still standing. i cant even tell you how much hope that gives me. now, in terms of your financial situation, i dont know quite what to say. i DONT mean AT ALL to make this sound like a jab or cynical remark, i am serious (and mostly just clueless about economics). would you atall consider trying to get some government aid? i mean this as a sincere suggestion. in the meantime, if that is out of the question, i couldnt offer to help even if i knew you would accept money. i currently have 27� in the bank...pitiful. but i think of you often, and i will ask my personal spritual guide a.k.a. nature, to bring you some luck. take care, sweets, and enjoy your time with jewlz...give her a hug, k?
J - 2006-01-12 02:10:07
eeeee. today was awesome. i can't wait for next week..hopefully i can get off work!! I'll email you the pics when I upload then and when I get the B&Ws developed! Eee. I love you Gwennie. Oh ya..sorry, but I threw the rest of your 2-liter away-I knew you left something in my car! :)
Frogz - 2006-01-12 17:41:29
Where are you living? Are you going to school or work? What exactly ARE you doing?

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