
Bonnie - 2005-08-19 10:18:18
NO, Gwen, I WON'T leave you alone. If you have enough strength in you to make that kind of complaint, you have enough strength to fight. You are a powerful force, and there are many people who care very deeply. That's why we won't leave you alone, Gwen, because we love you and we believe in you. I know you have the strength to get yourself help. You are very sick and you need medical attention, but only you have the power to let yourself be helped. You can't do this alone, and you are not alone, there are so many of us that care and worry about you. See what kind of reaction you got when you didn't update for several days? I've been praying for you that you have been in hospital getting the help you need. I will keep praying for you, and I do my best to send you blessings or angels or what ever you require to keep you moving towards recovery. XXXOOO Bonnie
Julie - 2005-08-19 12:44:03
Gwen, now is the time when you need possitive support the most. People who care aren't going to leave you alone. I, for one (and you know this) refuse to just "leave you alone" and let you succumb to your eating disorder/depression. Gwen, people all around you care about you, and despite the fact that you say you don't want them to..they do, they always will..and no one will ever give up on you. I agree with what Bonnie wrote. Gwen, you know you need help..and it sucks that there have been glitches in the road that have prevented you getting that help right away, that does not mean that you can/should just stick your head in the sand and disappear from the world. YOu HAVE to keep fighting. Fight for yourself. YOu are worthy, and the fight for your life is worthwhile. Remember what Lisa had said...we remember times when you tasted bits of recovery--how happy you were: full of life, light, energy and such possitivity. You can have that..but you have to want it. And even if you don't..the people around you wont let you throw your hands up that easily. People care about you, Gwen, whether you like it or not. And that is something that will never change. You have to find the strength within yourself Gwen, and you have it. I have seen it. Keep making those calls, Gwen. Something will transpire. I love you, and NO, I will NOT leave you alone...ever. You are one of my best friends and I love you and I will not give up, EVER.
dana - 2005-08-21 00:37:00
to "leave you alone" now is not something any of us know how to do. all of the people who care about you - and there ARE MANY!!! are going to stick with you through this. hard times, good times, whatever, we're here for you, whether you like it or not. you cant get rid of us, we care too, too much. please take this to heart - and please take care of yourself.
leslie - 2005-08-21 01:21:52
i wish so much better for you. i think you should call me, even if you don't have the energy to talk or anything. i can talk. call me anytime. but do it soon. please? 719-271-7362. If you get my voicemail it's because I've misplaced my phone or something, so just call again and I'll get it. Please. I'm not begging you to be better, I won't tell you how much you need to recover, I'm just asking you not to give up. Or at least, just listen to me if you call me. <3 Okay?
Lisa - 2005-08-23 04:19:51
Hi Goddess Gwen - and all her loyal friends - I'm so glad you called back on Thursday (8/18) night... and I understand you are tired and are hoping people will just "forget" about you so you can stay in your small eating disorder world... but, like I told you, it's GOOD to stay connected, there ARE people who accept you the way you are... people who LOVE you the way you are... and they are worth staying in touch with. You don't have to do anything to please us, we've decided, for our own reasons, that we like you!! And there is nothing you can do about that!! :-) Anyway, I know you are having a hard time, your body is not "co-operating" and you feel sick a lot, but don't forget all the friends you have out here, who are patient and kind, just like you have been to all of us... okay? Call Dr. L if you want, she'd be happy to talk to you and try to offer help. Call me and/or Meredith too. HANG IN THERE. And don't give up. Do NOT give up. No one is giving up on you. I love you babe and can't wait to hear you laughing again soon. Brightest Blessings to you (and all your sweet loyal friends), Lisa Arndt p.s. I wrote a poem for you and all the CFD alums (and all victims of eating disorders!) and it's on the first page of my website right now ( in case you feel like reading it... Cheers, L

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