
Lisa Arndt - 2005-08-13 08:46:09
Goddess Gwennie? Don't give up. Please don't give up. I know you hurt - everything hurts - your body, your emotions... but you can heal from hurt. YOU CAN. You have, I have, a lot of have... we've struggled and hurt and then healed and it's those moments of laughing or playing with a pet or hearing a great song or feeling the sun on our face that makes it worthwhile. You've got a whole group of people cheering for you, in your corner, unconditionally loving you. That is worth everything. I think if you go to a hospital that one, they will take you and your insurance will f'ing pay and two, that they will help you through this physical torment and they know how to make your physical body better... and I've witnessed you, in times before, once you are feeling physically better you brighten up, you feel better emotionally too... you laugh. Please go. And please don't give up. I love you and I always have - from the first time we met. You are in my heart Gwennie and you are worth so much. I am sending my best blessings your way right now. Blessed Be! Love Love Love Love Love, Lisa
Kris - 2005-08-13 12:45:38
Please keep trying Gwen, please. I know what you are going through must be so hard; or maybe I don't even know... maybe I was never that bad off, I don't know. What I do know is that you are strong. I can tell you that what I went through sucked and there were plenty of times when I thought I would die and never be better again. I don't know what got me through those times other than friends and people who cared -- of which there were few who I could talk to anyway. But I made it, I made it this far and if I could do it, I know you can too. You are so brave and strong and I just want so much for you to be able to see recovery the way I can right now, to be able to do the things you love again. It's just so worth the fight in the end. I really hope that you can stay strong as possible and find the help that you need. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you. ~luvs~ XOXOXO
silver80 - 2005-08-13 16:39:57
Thank you for the note you left at my journal. I am a little worried about the blood as well but I think I will be fine. At least, I am feeling fine, right now. But I am might go get things checked out just in case. Gwen, please don't give up. I know it seems like the easy way out but it will only make things more difficult for you if you give up. You have to fight. You told me not to let myself do it just one more time. Don't let yourself do it last time. Believe me, I know that is easier said than done but you have to start somewhere. Please don't give up. There are so many people out there who are pulling for you. We want to see you happy. I want you see what a wonderful person you are and how you deserve to leave a healthy, happy, productive life. Think off all of the things you want to accomplish outside of your ed. Use those things to motivate you to get better. I believe in you. You need to believe in yourself.
Bonnie - 2005-08-14 12:31:54
Yes you can, Gwen. You've done this before. I agree that you should check into a hospital and let them take care of you during this struggle time. I believe in you and your power to beat this thing. XXXOOO Bonnie
fishy - 2005-08-16 19:42:37
You choose not too. Obviously not an easy thing to choose(very very hard obviously!), but that doesn't mean you can't. I wish I could help you but all I can do is offer suggestions of what I've done that worked for me and offer support. But seriously, don't say you can't, yes it's extremely hard, but it IS a choice, and it IS possible. I don't mean to be harsh but I'm just reminding you of what you need to know!
leslie - 2005-08-17 03:38:42
holy shit. please dont give up. you really give me hope. if you give up, i'll end up sinking deeper. :(
Genuine-Risk - 2005-08-18 23:00:13
I miss you and I'm worried. Come back. Love you.
ethereal-red - 2005-08-21 21:56:41
Gwen, go to the hospital. Go NOW. You don't have to die, not now, not from this. You can beat your eating disorder, I KNOW you can, and I believe in you. If money is an issue, fuck money. A hospital cannot refuse you because you cannot pay... and Gwen, you belong in the ICU right now. Please go. I love you.

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