
Bonnie - 2005-08-08 10:14:02
Gwen, Gwen, GWEN???!!! I'm trying to give you a virtual shake here! How did your apartment hunting go? I hope you found something nice. Please keep trying to monitor your sugars. I wish you could find an alternative food that won't wig out your sugars so much. I KNOW you can prevail over this, I know you can! You've done so much already! Don't give up! You are special and wonderful! XXXOOO Bonnie
Chanda - 2005-08-09 15:16:45
Hunnie, I am sorry you are suffering, you said you just want me to get better and be happy. I want the same for you. You want to be shaked? -THIS IS ME SHAKING YOU---- Gwennie pennie we have to do this TOGETHER. no I am not in group homes anymore, and yes I am with my parents (to answer your question). I am sorry I missed you too =0( Did you find anything?
evie - 2005-08-10 12:53:47
gwen, this is me shaking you, too! everyone is shaking you, and i think you are shaking you, too, to some degree. if it takes an earthquake, we will all keep shaking until we make one. cheesy? probably, but so many people care about you. please try to do at least one nice thing for yourself today, like i said before, baby steps are all it takes to start. you can do this!

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