
Kris - 2005-08-05 18:33:30
Good job on not smoking for the past several days! I'm so proud of you for that -- heck, I didn't even smoke but for four months or something and I thought it was hard to quit! You just have to be strong-willed, and I know you are Gwen. I'm sorry to hear that everything else is still going kind-of the same, but at least it's not any worse? I hope. Even if things just stay stable, it's better than letting them get worse. Also, although I think you are an absolutely gorgeous person (inside and out!), that therapist of yours was nuts! That's probably the worse I have ever heard from an eating disorder specialist. She's wrong to say that you look better, because even though you are always very pretty you did look healthier before and I think we all look better when we're healthy. Just ignore what she said -- I remember having that dietician who told me that I needed to deny having an eating disorder, so there must be a bunch of nut-cases out there who somehow graduate and get these jobs. Just do your best to know that she's wrong and that being healthy is the most important thing in your life since you really cannot do much else without your health. I hope that you have a nice time apartment searching and that you can find somewhere nice to live. Just keep trying to take care of yourself and don't give up on recovery. Maybe when and if you find a nice place to live that could play a good role in this as a fresh chance. ~luvs~
evie - 2005-08-07 02:11:36
i know you know that your therapist is being rediculous. either that or she needs some glasses. every one of your pictures is beautiful (im not just saying thaat) but you really did look wonderful when you were - yes, the dreaded word - healthy. i hope you can see that too, soon. whatever your weight, whatever color your hair is (mine is currently purple, just for example), or whatever you are wearing, the old cliche holds true. you really look your best when you are happy. please take that to heart. take care of yourself, please.

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