
Chanda - 2005-08-03 23:56:12
Aww is that you when you were younger?? You are so cute =0)
ali - 2005-08-04 02:40:08
aaaaaaw! you were - and still are - such a little cutie. my star <3
Chanda - 2005-08-04 03:12:53
Lol I just realized that above your picture it says "me in 5th grade" I am such a dork. I LOVE YOU GWEENIE PENNIE
Chanda - 2005-08-04 03:13:54
I just realized that above your picture you wrote "me in 5th grade" I am such a dork. I love you gwennie Pennie"
nathalie - 2005-08-04 04:40:28
you were so cute!!! great pictures

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