
Bonnie - 2005-08-01 09:47:57
Dear Gwen, Please get yourself to a hospital. It sounds like your liver may be having problems, and that you may be jaundiced. Your chest pain also concerns me greatly. You are very very sick and you need medical attention NOW. Release the control you feel you need to have and let someone take care of you. You are now doing dangerous things in the name of holding on to that control. Please, please, please, Gwen, please go to an ER!! XXXOOO Bonnie
Laura - 2005-08-01 10:32:56
Ditto on what Bonnie said. You need care right now; you cannot wait. Please go. XO, L
Brynna - 2005-08-01 15:45:44
Gwen, you are so sick. Please go to a hospital. This is ridiculous- you shouldn't be like this. You shouldn't be afraid that you won't wake up when you go to sleep. You CAN beat this, I know you can- but you need help. And before that, you need medical treatment. Please, please take care of yourself. -Brynna
Silver80 - 2005-08-01 19:53:23
I am so worried about you Gwen. I really hope you can get into treatment as soon as possible. You are a wonderful and unique person and you deserve to live a normal, healthy, life. Please be careful. Go to the ER if things get to bad. I really hope that things will get better for you. Good Luck!
dana - 2005-08-01 21:47:44
hate to be a broken record, but i'm with everyone on this: go to the ER. asking for help is not a failure or a loss of control, you just need to do this thing for yourself. please.
Jen - 2005-08-03 03:04:33
Gwen... I'm not even going to say how I feel about this because you already know that I am with everyone else. Please get well, love. xxxx
Laura - 2005-08-03 19:00:40
Has anyone heard from Gwen? I left a message at a number with a generic (not her voice) tape, so I am not even sure I have the right number. I just want to know she is ok.

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