
Bonnie - 2005-06-26 15:55:54
Dear Gwen, How I wish I could distract you from that blasted 10 pounds you keep wanting to lose. I wish I could make you throw away that damned scale and make you focus on your sugars being so out of control. Because you're right - your out of control sugars MAY WELL KILL YOU. I'm watching my father lose bits and more bits of his feet due to his diabetes and he actually has it under rather good control. I don't want you to lose your life. Please, please TRY to make this day different in your habits. BIG HUGS to you XXXOOO Bonnie
Rayne - 2005-06-26 19:10:49
If only you had stopped at 10 lbs in the beginning, if only losing didn't make us strive for the next pound, or 2 or 20. Please have a good day. <3 x
Laura - 2005-06-27 10:05:09
What would you like to be doing in a year? Five years? What can you do today to help make those things happen? You have it in your power to make today better. Will you? I really hope so. Remember, baby steps. XO, L
bethany - 2005-06-27 13:15:42
as a recovered anorexic (well, mostly) I can't say I never wish that I was skinnier, but I can say that if I eat too much one day I can be kind to myself and give my body a break and lazily do nothing about it. It's nice. It's also nice because people still think I'm beautiful, even though I'm not skin and bones. Your life could be like this, and it is really a fervent wish of mine that it will be. I know you can do it. Three sisters in my family were anorexic,sometimes at death's door, and all of us recovered. You can too. -bethany

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