
Claire - 2005-06-12 11:47:34
I personally think your grades were great honey, your way too hard on yourself. *hug*
Catie - 2005-06-12 12:57:45
Congrats on the grades, those are great! I know how it is though not thinking that they are good enough. But you finished the classes and that is an achievment in itself :) Congrats on going wo/binging and purging. Give yourself a great big hug for that, yea I know that sounds incredibly corny. But what can i say I'm corny.I'm glad that your brother was able to talk to you about your ED and that its not easy for you to do horribly at home. I am so happy that you were able to give yourself your insulin yesterday. I hope things continue to go better for you because you deserve the best :) Take care :)
Laura - 2005-06-12 14:51:21
Hi Gwen, I am so glad you are taking your insulin :) I hope you can slowly start eating a bit more, as your body and mind need that too. That's great about your brother opening up. I am glad you know people do care!! Love and peace, Laura
Bonnie - 2005-06-12 20:17:41
Dear Gwen, I never made above a C in Poli Sci my whole school career. Your grades are great! Good for you! It sounds like your brother has done some growing up while you've been gone. I'm glad to hear that. Don't be hard on yourself, just take each hour by hour or minute by minute if you have to. You're doing so well. I'm proud of you!! XOXO Bonnie
jane - 2005-06-13 02:49:57
those were great grades. Better than mine. People do care about you gwen. I dont even know you in RL, but i still look forward to your entries, and know you are a great person. take care of yourself
Rayne - 2005-06-13 13:28:29
I'm glad things are starting to get better. You just need to stick with it, however hard it gets you need to keep your head above water. I know you can do it sweetie. ((Gwen)) x
mo - 2005-06-13 15:00:47
darling...those grades are awesome and i'm glad that you are trying to do better. that's really all that you can do is try and i'm here for you no matter what. xoxo

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