
hayley - 2005-05-17 07:57:37
beautiful in every single one of them.. but a little sadder as they go down x
Anon - 2005-05-17 08:57:12
indeed you look sad in the last second one is my fave! Your smile is so cute!!
Amanda - 2005-05-17 10:28:45
Gwen, you are gorgeous! your smile is too!!! i hope you use it alot!
Claire - 2005-05-17 11:20:20
so thin :( (hug)
Rayne - 2005-05-17 12:53:26
The change is obvious, from smiling to so little life in your eyes, from thin to even thinner, but you are still so beautiful in every single one. Don't ever think you're not beautiful, inside or out. ((Gwen))
small-one - 2005-05-17 14:01:02
honey, no wonder your friends IRL are freaking out! dang, girl. you just look so sad in the last one. . .((shawna))
small-one - 2005-05-17 14:02:39
dang, girl! no wonder your friends IRL are freaking out. . .you are beginning to look so sad. . . ((shawna))
Nic - 2005-05-17 16:31:23
gwen, it looks as though the life has been sucked out of you! I'm worried. You look so empty! Nic
Bonnie - 2005-05-17 18:26:03
You are beautiful, and it makes me sad to see the spark in your eyes grow dimmer with each picture. I know you've been very sick lately. Please do your best to take care of yourself.
laura - 2005-05-17 20:51:16
I'm with everyone here. So what can we do? Why are you showing us these pictures yet not letting us help you? Or so it seems anyway.

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