
Rayne - 2005-05-08 18:51:28
i still stand by what I said earlier, it's not your fault. I can't imagine the worry you must be feeling, but know that I'm thinking of you. x
- 2005-05-08 21:15:25
Gwen, why are you holding yourself responsible? You did what you could. You can only take care of ppl so much. It is okay to watch out for yourself too!
Bonnie - 2005-05-09 11:53:39
Gwen, I am so sorry for your friend Bailey. You are a good friend for checking up on her and rallying around your friends to help. Please don't blame yourself for the choices Bailey made. The only person you can be responsible for is yourself, and you did what you could. Bailey is alive thanks to you. You did what you could, and now the rest is up to Bailey. Support her the best way that you can, but you can only support others if you support yourself first. Make sure Gwen is taken care of.
alexis - 2005-05-09 19:50:07
oh hun i am so sorry to hear that you went through this. it's so disastrous to watch someone destroy their life, but like everyone else has said, you did what you could. i promise you, people make their choices...they may want to shift the blame over to you, true...but it boils down to their own choices. please stop beating yourself up, you did everything you could and like others have said, she has her life because of you. please take care :(
marne - 2005-05-10 03:04:27
Hey. i just wanted to tell you that if it *wasn't* for you, Bailey *would* be dead. you're the one who knew where she was and when you couldn't get her to answer the door, you went and got friends who went with you and broke into the apartment to get her. it's because of your persistence that she's even alive today. you did the right thing. you tried to talk her out of it, and she wouldn't listen. so, like a true friend, you went back for her. if you had stayed and done whatever drugs she had done, what's to say you wouldn't both have died? it sounds like no one knew where she was except you, and if you had been with her, no one would've known where either of you were. you saved her life. you really did save her life.

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