
Britt - 2005-04-19 08:42:47
I'm and English major and I don't think what you said sounds depressing at all. In fact choosing characters because they died at the end adds a sense of fascination to your writing. Morbidity in English is extremely common and highly praised. By no means was your statement out of the ordinary or stupid. Now Edgar Allen Poe might be considered depressing but everyone loves to read his literature. If all Literature, analysis, essays, and comments were "happy" we would all be bored out of our minds!!! Had I been in your class and heard you speak, I assure you I would have thought you were extremely intelligent and not at all depressing.
Laura - 2005-04-19 20:01:45
Dear Gwen, This does not sound like purgatory; it sounds like you are choosing death. In not taking your (our) insulin, we ARE killing ourselves, even if we are not trying to. Please don't forget that. Can you make a list of things you could be doing if you were healthier?

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