
Jewlz - 2005-04-13 10:21:39
EEEEEEEE!! *squeel* Melissa's mom kicked her out (sorta) *dances around the room* This is soo good...!! Ah. I'm so happy..are you guys still thinking about moving in together? THEN YOU WOULD BE HERE WITH ME! And we can teach you to drive. And we could all hang out. And it would be mucho fun. Aww. My eyes are all bright bc im so happy (or maybe it is because I haven't slept in 2 days..? Hrm). *dances around room* Me...soo happy! OK..I better get in the shower and cool my ass down..bc I am so hyper right now! :o)
Poolagirl - 2005-04-13 20:00:02
Thinking of you. Hang in. Breathe.

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