
jennifer - 2005-04-09 06:02:49
I'm a fairly new reader. I just want to say that you don't have to apologize for anything. You tried something once, and that's OK...
jennifer - 2005-04-09 06:03:13
I'm a fairly new reader. I just want to say that you don't have to apologize for anything. You tried something once, and that's OK...
clotis - 2005-04-09 14:11:47
Dear, dear, DEAR Gwen. I have been reading for such a long time. I was a little surprised about the drug occurance, but EVERYONE tries new things. For instance, I tried drinking last month, and yesterday I almost tried smoking a cigarette, but decided I liked my lungs. You should NOT have to appoligize. Yes, so people have lost people they love to crystal meth, but you aren't an addict, you are too smart (and, sorry to say, too broke) to ever get hooked. How do I know this? It's one of those gut feelings. I certainly hope you get better, and for all of those folks who kept warning Gwen about the bad-side of drugs, yes, she knows, and you should know that she's too knowledgable to get involved with something so stupid. Adios.
Anon - 2005-04-09 14:57:00
if she knows the bad side...why did she do it? Just wanting to try it isn't an excuse. Life isn't about the easy way out Gwen, you know that from years of struggle. Never give up your hopes to help people, you have a good heart and that is something credits or classes or even the Peace Corp can't MAKE people's something you're born never ever let go of that hope. If the world had more people like you wanting to help, we wouldn't be in the self destructing peril we are in right now. Don't give up that dream.

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